Discover Bible Curriculum
Events in the Bible took place far away and long ago. Christian Light Bible helps students learn Bible stories and teaching, Bible culture and geography, and Biblical principles for life.
The Bible stories are the most wonderful retelling I have heard. I teach Sunday school and I have seen a lot. There is nothing better than Christian Light. –North Carolina
Christian Light’s Bible curriculum is designed to help every student do the following:
Gain a knowledge of God’s attributes and develop a reverence and awe for Him through studying His mighty acts in the Bible.
See the life and actions of Jesus as the model for Christian ethics and daily life, and understand His role as the Lord and Saviour of all men.
Understand that the Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity, who guides men into truth and empowers the believer to follow Jesus in life.
Understand his parents’ role in maintaining his physical and spiritual well-being and to increase in his love and honor for them.
Realize that the Christian church is the actual body of Christ, empowered and charged by Him to do His work in the world.
Understand and be able to give Scripture references for teaching on major doctrines of the Bible.
Grow in the love of and confidence in the written Word of God.
Possess a thorough knowledge of Bible facts and principles out of which the Holy Spirit and faithful parents can help the student make applications.
Master the historical, cultural, and geographical setting of Bible events.
Accept and be able to use the Old Testament as the introduction, foundation, and authority for the revelation of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
The curriculum uses the King James Version of the Bible, and is written from an Anabaptist perspective in a way that every student or family can use regardless of denomination. To learn more about our view of Scripture, read the section “What We Believe” on the About Us page.
The Bible tells us that the goal of instructing children in the Scriptures is that they might set their hope in God (Psalm 78:1‑7).
During the earliest years, we endeavor to familiarize the student with the content of Bible accounts and to generate enthusiasm for God’s story, thus laying a foundation for building deeper understanding as children mature. Students are not tested on their work in Grades 1 and 2.
Lessons in Grades 3-6 are built on Bible stories that are masterfully retold in the student LightUnits. After reading the lesson text, students complete the exercises, including working with maps of Bible lands. Most stories are illustrated with realistic pencil drawings.
In Grades 7 and 8, students study the New Testament, guided by commentary and stories that are printed in the LightUnits.
I appreciated that the Bible curriculum is straightforward Biblical teaching throughout. –Michigan
High School
Grade 9 – Christ in the Old Testament
Bible 9 is our only high school Bible course currently available in Sunrise Edition. Grades 10-12 are being developed to fit the Sunrise model.
Grade 10 – New Testament Survey
Grade 11 – Major Themes 1
Grade 12 – Major Themes 2
Grades 10-12 are currently available only in non-Sunrise LightUnit format. Daily work is not divided into lessons, but students complete several pages each day.
Course Components
The students do their work in LightUnits, which are divided into daily lessons. The LightUnits are numbered 01 through 05 (for example, 501 through 505 for Grade 5). Grades 1-5 have five LightUnits each. Grades 6-12 have ten LightUnits each.
Students work through LightUnits one at a time in consecutive order. Each LightUnit (except in Grades 1 and 2) contains two quizzes and one test.
Teacher's Guides
Grades 1-8 feature Teacher’s Guides with answers filled in on student pages. Teacher’s Guides also provide teaching instructions, discussion questions, and alternate tests.
Answer Keys
Grades 4-12 feature Answer Keys that are optional if you use the Teacher’s Guides (available for 1-8). The answers are in a list format rather than a copy of the student page.
Trusted Bible Storybooks for Your Family
Choose from a variety of read-aloud Bible storybooks.
Perfect for mom or dad to read at bedtime (or anytime)
Useful for informal Bible classes
Beautiful paintings and well-written stories reach your child’s heart.