An Accredited Record Keeping and Support Service for Your School

Add Christian Light to your school team as a supportive partner.

From beginning placement to graduation, Christian Light partners with you for the success of your teachers, students, and school.
  • Store your permanent records in Christian Light’s secure database.
  • Call or email your academic counselor to get answers for your questions.
  • Reach a higher level of credibility with an accredited program.

How it works

  1. Enroll your students in the program.
  2. Review the welcome packet and familiarize yourself with procedures.
  3. Report student scores to Christian Light.
  4. Get help with projecting and planning your students’ high school credits.
  5. Award diplomas embossed with the Christian Light seal.
  6. Request transcripts for high school or graduated students as needed.
  7. Run your school with confidence!

With Christian Light’s School Support and Record Keeping program, you can:

Consult with an academic counselor.

Your counselor will answer your questions about School Support and Record Keeping and assist in making decisions that impact the success of your school.

Consult with an academic counselor.

Your counselor will answer your questions about School Support and Record Keeping and assist in making decision that impact the success of your school.

Equip your staff with training.

You will receive a free training packet when you enroll. These LightUnits deal with Christian Light curriculum structure, Biblical principles of education, and procedures for a successful school. You may take the course by correspondence or at a Christian Light Training Center. A Christian Light Teacher’s Certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the training.

Equip your staff with training.

You will receive a free training packet when you enroll. These LightUnits deal with Christian Light curriculum structure, Biblical principles of education, and procedures for a successful school. You may take the course by correspondence or at a Christian Light Training Center. A Christian Light Teacher's Certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the training.

Rest easy with secure, professional record keeping.

We maintain a permanent record based on Quarterly Progress Report forms you send us for each enrolled student. From this file we can assist you with feedback, verify the progress of your school to authorities if needed, and send official transcripts to other schools and colleges.

Your student’s file includes:

  • A transcript of student's work from previous schools, if available.

  • A record of academic work and attendance while in our program.

  • A profile of the student's standardized (achievement) test results.

Rest easy with secure, professional record keeping.

We maintain a permanent record based on Quarterly Progress Report forms you send us for each enrolled student. From this file we can assist you with feedback, verify the progress of your school to authorities if needed, and send official transcripts to other schools and colleges.

Your student's file includes:

  • A Transcript of student's work from previous schools, if available.
  • A record of academic work and attendance while in our program.
  • A profile of the student's standardized (achievement) test results.

Map the road ahead with Academic Projections.

The high school academic projection is a goal-setting tool designed to help you and your students get the most out of their high school years.

Map the road ahead with Academic Projections.

The high school academic projection is a goal-setting tool designed to help you and your students get the most out of their high school years.

Receive report cards after each quarter.

Christian Light provides you with manual report cards that you can keep for your own records. We will also send you computerized cumulative report cards each quarter.

Receive report cards after each quarter.

Christian Light provides you with manual report cards that you can keep for your own records. We will also send you computerized cumulative report cards each quarter.

Award high school diplomas.

Christian Light offers Grade 8 and High School diplomas to students who successfully complete the work required for graduation. School and homeschool graduates have been accepted into over 400 colleges and universities worldwide.

Click here to learn about Christian Light Diploma Requirements.

Award high school diplomas.

Christian Light offers Grade 8 and High School diplomas to students who successfully complete the work required for graduation. School and homeschool graduates have been accepted into over 400 colleges and universities worldwide.


Click here to learn about Christian Light Diploma Requirements.

Get transcripts for college applications and other needs.

Transcripts are provided for students currently or formerly enrolled in the School Support and Record Keeping program. Transcripts are the official record of high school credits earned showing the student's grade point average for work completed while enrolled in our program. Transcripts also include approved high school credits earned as listed on official transcripts received from previous schools.

Get transcripts for college applications and other needs.

Transcripts are provided for students currently or formerly enrolled in the School Support and Record Keeping program. Transcripts are the official record of high school credits earned showing the student's grade point average for work completed while enrolled in our program. Transcripts also include approved high school credits earned as listed on official transcripts received from previous schools.

Receive other benefits:

  • Use approved courses from other publishers.

  • Save money with a 10% discount on library books and non-curriculum items.

  • Save more money the longer you stay in the program as your fees decrease over time.

Receive other benefits:

  • Use approved courses from other publishers.
  • Save money with a 10% discount on library books and non-curriculum items.
  • Save more money they longer you stay in the program as your fees decrease over time.

Five Steps to Enroll

Step 1: Fill out enrollment forms.

Fill out and send us an Enrollment Form and a Family and Student Information Sheet. Payment options are listed on the Enrollment Form; your enrollment will not be valid until we receive payment

Download the enrollment form with current prices here.

Step 2: Test students for placement if necessary.

We recommend that your students take diagnostic tests to determine their placement in our math and language arts curriculum. This testing is strongly recommended for students in grades 2-8; for students in grades 9-12 it is necessary only if the student has a learning disability or has been out of school for some time. The cost of diagnostic tests (not included in enrollment fee) is $8.00 to $16.00 per student, plus shipping.

For subjects other than math and language arts, we determine placement by looking at the reading total grade equivalent from a recent achievement test. If your students have not been tested recently, we offer achievement tests at $25.00 to $35.00 per student.

Step 3: Order curriculum.

After reviewing placement test results, you are ready to order your curriculum. Your academic counselor will be glad to assist you.

Step 4: Obtain high school credit records.

If a student has already earned high school credits in another school, obtain these records as soon as possible. They will help us determine which courses the student will need to take based on the type of diploma they are working toward.

Step 5: Prepare for the school year.

While waiting for your books to arrive, continue preparing for the school year ahead!

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