Grade 10

  • Bible

    New Testament Survey

    1 Credit

    This course is a survey of the New Testament, but it also includes a study of Job and two additional themes. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.

    The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.

    1001 (old 901) Introduction to the New Testament

    1002 (old 902) The Gospels

    1003 (old 903) The Acts of the Apostles

    1004 (old 904) The Pauline Epistles

    1005 (old 905) The General Epistles

    1006 (old 906) The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    1007 (old 907) Biblical Literature: Job and Suffering

    1008 (old 908) How to Share Christ With My Friends

    1009 (old 909) God’s Will for My Life

    1010 (old 910) Review

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • Literature I

    Sunrise Edition

    1 Credit

    Literature I is based on the textbook Perspectives of Life in Literature. The textbook includes sections on short story, poetry, biography, reflections on the Christian life, and allegory. Exercises develop vocabulary, literary techniques, reading comprehension, and thinking and composition skills.

    There are two study options. Both options require the textbook. View the course scope and sequence.

    LightUnit Study

    The LightUnit study is recommended for homeschools and schools where teacher involvement is limited. LightUnits provide exercises, daily review, quizzes, and tests. The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks, a textbook, and two Answer Keys.

    Worksheet Study
    The Worksheet study is designed for classrooms and requires more teacher involvement. Because worksheet exercises do not include reviews, the teacher must prepare students for tests through regular oral review. The Worksheet course provides 107 lessons, 30 quizzes, and 10 tests. In addition to the textbook, the course includes two Worksheet booklets, one Quiz & Test Pack, two Answer Keys, and the Teacher’s Guide.

  • Math


    1 Credit

    Math 10 is a Geometry course. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.

    This course is based on a math course from Alpha Omega Publications. It includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. A Teacher’s Guide with answers is also available. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.

    1001 A Mathematical System

    1002 Proof

    1003 Angle Relationships and Parallels

    1004 Congruent Triangles and Quadrilaterals

    1005 Similar Polygons

    1006 Circles

    1007 Construction and Locus

    1008 Area and Volume

    1009 Coordinate Geometry

    1010 Geometry Review

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • Science


    1 Credit

    Science 10 is a study of biology. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz. Science supplies for this course are available from Home Science Tools.

    The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.

    1001 Taxonomy: Key to Organization

    1002 Basis of Life

    1003 Microbiology

    1004 Cells

    1005 Plants: Green Factories

    1006 Human Anatomy and Physiology

    1007 Genetics: God’s Plan for Inheritance

    1008 Cell Division and Reproduction

    1009 Ecology, Environment, and the Bible

    1010 Biological Origins and the Bible

    View the course scope and sequence. We offer Apologia Biology as an alternative to this course.

  • Social Studies

    World History

    1 Credit

    Social Studies 10 covers world history from Creation through 1990. Christian Light Social Studies courses reflect the Anabaptist perspectives of the two-kingdom concept of separation of church and state and non-participation in war.

    Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.

    The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.

    1001 Ancient Civilization

    1002 Ancient Civilizations

    1003 The Medieval World

    1004 Renaissance and Reformation

    1005 Growth of World Empires

    1006 The Age of Struggle

    1007 The Industrial Revolution

    1008 Two World Wars

    1009 Our Contemporary World

    1010 Ancient Times to the Present

    View the course scope and sequence.

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