Grade 9
Sunrise Edition – Christ in the Old Testament
1 Credit
Engage students’ hearts, not just their intellect! From the Garden to the tabernacle, to the return from exile, Bible 9 is a study of the glimpses of Christ we see in the Old Testament.
Each lesson directs the student to read a portion of Scripture and provides commentary that explains the passage. Exercises help students interact with and remember what they read. Vocabulary sections explain KJV language as needed, and Bible memory work is included. Some exercises require Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Concordance (print or digital) and Baker’s Bible Atlas. All Christian Light Bible courses use the King James Version. The course includes Bible memory work.
This course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks and two Answer Keys. The optional Teacher’s Guide includes helpful teaching resources but does not include answers.
View the course scope and sequence.
English I
Sunrise Edition
1 Credit
This high school English course covers grammar and usage, giving speeches, and writing a research paper. Students also diagram sentences.
The course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks and two Answer Keys. View the course scope and sequence.
Sunrise Edition Algebra 1
1 Credit
Algebra isn’t easy, but it shouldn’t intimidate students. Sunrise Algebra 1 helps students succeed by using the same methodology of incremental teaching and continuous review found in elementary Sunrise Math. Students will appreciate the reference numbers after each direction line that indicate the lesson where the concept was previously taught. “Math in History” notes spark students' interest and broaden their knowledge.
Algebra 1 is available in two formats: a textbook or 10 LightUnits. The exercises are the same in both the LightUnits and the textbook. The textbook is more colorful than the LightUnits. View the course scope and sequence.
Textbook Study Method
The textbook requires students to work the exercises on a separate paper. It is easier to refer to previous lessons using the textbook. The quiz/test pack must be purchased separately for the textbook study.
LightUnit Study Method
The LightUnit study option allows students to work exercises directly in the LightUnits. The quizzes and tests are included in the LightUnits and do not need to be ordered separately.
Solution Keys
The solution keys are the same for both study methods. They feature a complete list of steps for each problem to make it easy to find errors in students’ work.
General Science
1 Credit
Science 9 is a study of general science, covering topics such as geology, health, astronomy, and oceanography. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz. Science supplies for this course are available from Home Science Tools.
The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.
901 Our Atomic World
902 Volume, Mass, and Density
903 Physical Geology
904 Historical Geology
905 Body Health I
906 Body Health II
907 Astronomy
908 Oceanography
909 Science and Tomorrow
910 Review
View the course scope and sequence. We offer Apologia Physical Science as an alternative to this course.
Social Studies
Civics and World Geography
1 Credit
Social Studies 9 is a study of civics and world geography. LightUnits 901-905 cover civics, and LightUnits 906-910 cover world geography. Christian Light Social Studies courses reflect the Anabaptist perspectives of the two-kingdom concept of separation of church and state and non-participation in war.
Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.
The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.
901 The Heritage of the United States
902 U.S. Government
903 State and Local Government
904 Planning a Lifework
905 Citizenship
906 The Earth and Man
907 Regions of the World
908 Man and His Environment
909 The Tools of the Geographer
910 Man in a Changing World
View the course scope and sequence.