Grade 4
Sunrise 2nd Edition
This half-year course includes five LightUnit workbooks, a reader, and a Teacher’s Guide. The Answer Keys are not required if you have the Teacher’s Guide.
Students learn to make inferences, recognize basic story construction, understand the mechanics of poetry, and distinguish between fact and opinion.
As a five-LightUnit course, Reading 4 takes only one semester to complete. Having class every other day is one way to spread the course over the entire school year. View the course scope and sequence.
Sunrise Edition
Give students a lifelong appreciation for the Bible! Bible 4 continues the study of the Gospels begun in Bible 3. The first LightUnit (401) is a fictional story that acquaints students with Jewish culture and customs during the time of Christ. LightUnits 402-405 cover Jesus’ ministry and parables, ending with His death, resurrection, and ascension.
Each lesson contains a carefully written story from the Bible, followed by student exercises. As a five-LightUnit course, Bible 4 takes only one semester to complete. Having class two or three times a week spreads the course over the entire school year.
This course consists of five LightUnit workbooks and one Teacher’s Guide. Two Answer Keys are optional. View the course scope and sequence.
Language Arts
Sunrise 2nd Edition
Language Arts 4 integrates grammar, spelling, and penmanship into one easy-to-use course. Use Christian Light’s Language Arts Diagnostic Test to place students new to the curriculum. New concepts are not tested until they have been reviewed at least four times.
In addition to working with grammar, language mechanics, and sentence diagramming, students learn to research information using encyclopedias and interviews, to listen and take notes, and to scan for information. Each LightUnit includes two creative writing lessons. The three spelling lists in each LightUnit include fifteen words each.
The course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks and a Teacher’s Guide. View the course scope and sequence.
Sunrise Edition
Sunrise Math 4 teaches new skills and concepts in incremental, continuously reviewed steps. Concepts are tested only after being reviewed for five days or more. Use Christian Light’s Math Diagnostic Test to place students new to the curriculum.
Along with general fourth-grade math skills such as long division, fractions, and decimals, Math 4 lays a foundation for later geometry and algebra. The themes in the story problems take students around the world from Italy to Australia to a science station in Antarctica.
Math 4 offers two study options:
LightUnit Study Method
LightUnit workbooks allow students to do their work right on the page. LightUnits can be less intimidating to students and easier to handle than a textbook. The LightUnit study method consists of ten LightUnits, a Teacher’s Guide, Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards, and Multiplication & Division Flash Cards. View the course scope and sequence.
Textbook Study Method
The textbook uses the same methodology and covers the same material as the LightUnits, though the sequence is sometimes different. The textbook is more colorful than the LightUnits and makes it easier for students to refer to previous lessons. Students must write their answers on other paper (except on quizzes and tests).
The textbook course consists of one Textbook, one pack of Student Material, and either a Teacher’s Guide or a Full Solution Answer Key (your choice). The textbook study method uses the same Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards and Multiplication & Division Flash Cards as the LightUnit course. View the course scope and sequence.
Sunrise Edition
Science 4 exposes students to the wonders of God’s creation, beginning with a study of plants and animals. Students learn about God’s gift of the earth, as well as weather and the majesty of the planets and constellations. Students conclude their study with an introduction to the principles of matter, energy, sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.
The course consists of a colorful hardcover textbook, five LightUnit workbooks, and two Answer Keys (both required).
Social Studies
Sunrise Edition
Social Studies 4 is based on the textbook Into All the World. Students tour the world, learning about the geography, people, and natural resources of the continents.
There are two study options. Both options require the textbook.
LightUnit Study Method
The LightUnit study is recommended for homeschools and schools where teacher involvement is limited. Five workbooks provide exercises, daily review, quizzes, and tests. There are two LightUnits in each workbook for a total of ten units. The LightUnit study method includes five LightUnit workbooks, a textbook, and two Answer Keys. View the course scope and sequence.
Textbook Study Method
The Textbook study uses the questions provided in the textbook and is better suited for classrooms where teachers provide instruction and review. This study method consists of a textbook, Chapter Tests, and a Teacher’s Guide.