Discounts and Rebates


Your school can save money four different ways when you purchase from Christian Light.

1. Order before June 30 for a 5% discount.

Place your fall school order between April 1 and June 30, and deduct 5% from your order subtotal. To qualify, the subtotal must be over $1,000. (If prepaying, you may deduct an additional 2% for a total discount of 7%. See #2) Please allow at least three weeks for processing.

Early Order returns received by September 30 qualify for 100% credit. Early Order returns received between October 1 and November 15 qualify for 50% credit.

2. Pay when you order for a 2% discount.

We’ll give you an additional 2% discount on any order subtotal amount if you pay using a check or credit card prior to order processing, or upon pickup.

3. Get free Teacher’s Guides when you switch to Christian Light.

Order a Christian Light course that is new for your school, and you get the Teacher’s Guide for free or half-price! If ordering a course for three or more students, the Teacher's Guide is free; for fewer than three students, the Teacher’s Guide is half price. A course is described as one subject for one grade level. Please request your free Teacher’s Guide when ordering.

4. Enjoy incentive rebates every year.

Each spring Christian Light gives a rebate to private school accounts based on how much Christian Light consumable materials your school purchased during the previous year. This includes LightUnits, Worksheets, and Quizzes & Tests.

This rebate is given as a credit on your account, which you may use for purchases through May 31 of the following year. See the chart for additional details.

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