Beauty for Ashes$7.95When Tamar was raped by her half brother, the Bible says she was left weeping and desolate. The story strikes a deep chord with many because Tamar's story is their story. John Coblentz, an experienced counselor, explains why sexual abuse can... Learn more
Beechdale Road$15.99In June 2020, an eighteen-year-old Amish woman from Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, was kidnapped and murdered by Justo Smoker. This book, written by members of Justo’s family, tells how they grappled with grief, anger, and pain, and how the Ami... Learn more
Fragrance of a Crushed Rose$6.95This book is a collection of verse, but not the cheerful verse of glad hearts at rest. These anonymous writers have one thing in common–grievous experiences that left them feeling robbed, defiled, and crushed, crying for help. Life wen... Learn more
God's Way Through Emotional Difficulties$13.95Studying human emotions makes one stand in awe of God for creating such beauty and complexity. While many emotional difficulties arise from man’s fallen state, others do not. This book is intended to help those struggling and those counselin... Learn more
Joy for Mourning$11.95
Anne appeared to have her life put together. But her life was held together by the glue of control–control over an inner world devastated by the sin of sexual abuse. Joy for Mourning is not light reading.
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Overcoming Inferiority$6.95Jenna, the older sister, was beautiful. Talented. Popular. Neat. Confident. Sara was the next born–the ordinary one. For years she was simply known as "Jenna's sister," without an identity of her own. Falling into the trap of compariso... Learn more
Purpose in Pain$14.99Why does God allow dark times in our lives? Is there any purpose in pain? Using poetry, colorful photos, excerpts from Gospel hymns, and quotations from people who have suffered, this inspirational book shares encouragement and hope with th... Learn more
Slaying the Giant$12.99The author, who experienced debilitating depression, tells how God gave him spiritual tools to overcome it. Two foundational themes of the book are using the truth of God's Word and learning responsibility for what you allow yourself to thin... Learn more
When a Tsunami Comes$17.25
Disappointments come to everyone. They come in all sizes. Some are temporary and can be fixed. Others are like scary storms that shake us up but eventually pass. And then there are tsunamis.
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