The Bible in the Wall$8.00
How powerful is the Word of God? This story, set in Europe many years ago, shows the transforming effect the Word of God can have in men's lives. The true story of a man who repeatedly rejects the gift of a Bible.
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A Chunk of Asphalt$2.95True stories written in Uzbekistan about people there. Some stories teach simple virtues: honesty, kindness, and thankfulness. Others tell of house searches, questionings, and harassment during the time the Soviet Union controlled Uzbekistan... Learn more
Esther Starts From Home$10.95Suddenly something dawned on Esther that she had never thought of before. "We live in the middle of the world and everybody else lives around us." Everyone but Esther laughed. "What's so funny?" Esther cried. "We do, don't we?" "Yes, dear," ... Learn more
Even Irina$10.95Papa closed the curtains so no one could see inside their house. Irina felt a tingle of fear. Sunday was the scariest day of the week! There was not one church house in their town in Kazakhstan. The government made sure of that. Papa an... Learn more
Little Pennsylvania Dutch Boy Growing Up$8.95Based on the later childhood of Clair, Sharon's father. Sharon grew up hearing her father tell many of these stories of Christian faith and love. Now she longs to pass them down to the next generation. Learn more
Little Pennsylvania Dutch Boy$7.95Seven-year-old Clair ran to get the mail. Ever since Daddy left half a year ago, he wrote home twice a week from Virginia where he was building roads with other men who wouldn't fight in the war. God, Clair prayed silently, will you please l... Learn more
Little Prairie Girl$7.95Ten years before Clara was born, in 1925, her parents and older siblings had sailed from Russia to Canada. Life was hard on the flat Manitoba prairies, and the family owed a debt to the railroad. A bag of flour during the night, a washtub fr... Learn more
Little Prairie Girl Growing Up: Moving!$9.95A sequel to Little Prairie Girl. Clara's father feels they should move away from Manitoba, but is British Columbia where God would have them relocate? And how can they afford it? Amidst the uncertainty and changes of the family's eventual mo... Learn more
Miracle Boy$13.75Mom reached for her phone. “I must call for help.” Her fingers trembled as she dialed 911. “My two-year-old son Dale is missing. I’m afraid he fell into the flooded creek that flows through our property. We need help to find him.”An ambulanc... Learn more
Prairie Child$11.95Rilla loved her home in a small farming community on the windblown Alberta prairies. Surrounded by a passel of fun-loving cousins and siblings, Rilla reveled in the joy of carefree moments and shivered through frightening ones: a night raide... Learn more
The School by the Cornfield$15.95
What if homeschools and private schools were illegal? This children’s story, extensively researched and footnoted for adult readers,
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Waddles$7.95Hatched in an incubator, Waddles began his life at a school in British Columbia. Later he came to live with the Miller family, who found his unpredictable antics highly entertaining. Who knew a Canada goose could find comfort in a doll?... Learn more