Biblia 5 • Biblia Curriculum

2 Items

  1. Biblia 501-505 LightUnit Set


    Set Includes: 5 LightUnits
    Sunrise Edition
    Sunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.
    Cinco libros de actividades brindan 80 lecciones, incluyendo pruebas y exámenes. Las lecciones no sólo vuelven a contar historias bíblicas desde la creación hasta Moisés, sino que también amplían el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre Dios... View Samples or Order Individual Items
  2. Biblia 5 Teacher's Guide
    Sunrise Edition
    Sunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.
    La Guía del maestro de Biblia 5 contiene la historia de cada lección, preguntas para dialogar, respuestas para todos los ejercicios de los estudiantes, pruebas y exámenes, preguntas de repaso, e ideas para hacer manualidades.La Guía del maes... Learn more

2 Items

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