Bible • Grade 9
Bible 901-910 LightUnit Set • Christ in The Old Testament$51.00Set Includes: 10 LightUnitsSunrise EditionSunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.Preliminary Edition. Ten LightUnit workbooks provide 160 lessons, including quizzes and tests. This course is a study of Christ in the Old Testament. Students read Bible passages followed by commentary. Some exercises require Strong’s Exhaus... View Samples or Order Individual Items→
Bible 901-910 Answer Key Set • Christ in The Old Testament
Set Includes: 2 Answer KeysSunrise EditionSunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.Preliminary Edition. The two Answer Keys for Bible 9 include answers for all student exercises, including quizzes and tests. The first Answer Key covers LightUnits 901-905, and the second covers LightUnits 906-910. The answers are in a list ... View Samples or Order Individual Items→ -
Baker's Bible Atlas$24.50Events in the Bible took place in a specific geographical environment. Visualizing how Israel interacted with her neighbors and was affected by geography is helpful for more clearly understanding the Bible.Baker’s Bible Atlas thoroughly cove... Learn more
Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Updated Edition$24.95This concordance lists every word of the Bible, the references for each time the word is used, and its meaning in the original language. Includes Hebrew and Greek dictionary helps. A print or digital version of Strong’s Exhaustive Bible Conc... Learn more
Optional MaterialsOptional materials are not required, but you may find them helpful.Bible 9 Teacher's Guide (without answers)$14.25Sunrise EditionSunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.The Teacher’s Guide does not provide answers. It is a helpful teaching resource that provides questions for discussion, ideas for introducing lessons, and additional information on Biblical history and culture. Learn more