Grade 11
Major Themes I
1 Credit
This course covers various themes related to doctrine, the Bible, and the Christian life. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.
The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.
1101 The Faithfulness of God
1102 Romans Part 1
1103 Romans Part 2
1104 The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
1105 The Nation of Israel
1106 The History of the Canon
1107 Friendship, Dating, and Marriage
1108 The Pursuit of Happiness
1109 Answers to Agnostic Questions
1110 Review
View the course scope and sequence.
English II
Sunrise Edition
1 Credit
This high school English course teaches composition and literature study skills. In addition to reading essays, articles, short stories, and poetry, students write their own. Students also write a research paper and give a speech.
Course outline:
- Usage and Literature
- Clarity in Writing
- Organization in Writing
- Writing Short Stories
- Writing Poetry
- Research
- Understanding Words
- Listening and Reading Skills
- Communication Skills
- Reading and Thinking
The course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks and two Answer Keys. View the course scope and sequence.
Sunrise Edition Algebra 2
1 credit
Sunrise Algebra 2 follows the methods of incremental teaching and continuous review used in Algebra 1. It reviews and expands on algebraic concepts from Algebra 1, and introduces new concepts such as matrices, probability, conic sections, logarithms, complex numbers, and trigonometry.
The Preliminary Edition course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks, a booklet of Quizzes and Tests, and a Solution Key. The LightUnits will be available for several years while the material is being refined for a textbook. Daily lessons in these preliminary edition LightUnits do not have space for student computations.
1 Credit
Science 11 covers chemistry. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz. Science supplies for this course are available from Home Science Tools. Algebra 1 is a prerequisite for this course.
The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.
1101 Estimate and Measurement
1102 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
1103 Gases and Moles
1104 Atomic Structure and Periodicity
1105 Chemical Formulas, Bonding, and Molecular Architecture
1106 Chemical Reactions, Rates, and Equilibrium
1107 Equilibrium Systems
1108 Carbon Chemistry: Hydrocarbons
1109 Carbon Chemistry: Functional Groups
1110 Chemistry Review
View the course scope and sequence. We offer Berean Builders Chemistry as an alternative to this course.
Social Studies
United States History
1 Credit
Social Studies 11 covers United States history up through the 1990s. Christian Light Social Studies courses reflect the Anabaptist perspectives of the two-kingdom concept of separation of church and state and non-participation in war.
Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.
The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.
1101 Foundations of American Democracy
1102 Development of Constitutional Government
1103 National Expansion
1104 A Nation Divided
1105 A Nation Divided and United
1106 United States Involvement at Home and Abroad
1107 The Depression Years
1108 War and Nonresistant Christians
1109 Contemporary America I
1110 Contemporary America II
View the course scope and sequence.