Grade 3

  • Reading

    Sunrise 2nd Edition

    Reading is a door that opens new worlds to us. This course continues teaching students to read well and to understand what they are reading. View the course scope and sequence.

    LightUnit Study Method

    The LightUnit study works well in any setting and is especially useful for homeschools and schools where teacher involvement is limited. The LightUnits prepare students for quizzes and tests by including systematic review of new concepts. Students may do most exercises independently. This study method includes ten LightUnit workbooks, a reader, and a Teacher’s Guide. The Answer Keys are not required if you have the Teacher’s Guide.

    Worksheet Study Method

    The Worksheet study is designed for classrooms and requires more teacher involvement. Since the worksheet exercises do not include reviews of new concepts, the teacher must prepare students for quizzes and tests. The Worksheets come in two booklets containing a total of 60 two-page lessons. Quizzes and tests for this study method are sold separately. This study method includes two Worksheet booklets, one quiz & test pack, and one Teacher’s Guide.

  • Bible

    Sunrise Edition

    Even at a young age, there is so much that children can learn from Jesus and His parables. Bible 3 introduces students to the four Gospels. The first LightUnit (301) is a fictional story about the Passover lamb that acquaints students with Jewish culture and customs during the time of Christ. LightUnits 302-305 are a study of the Gospels that will continue into fourth grade.

    Each lesson contains a story from Jesus’ life, followed by student exercises. Unlike Bible 1 and 2, Bible 3 includes quizzes and tests. As a five-LightUnit course, Bible 3 takes only one semester to complete. Having class two or three times a week spreads the course over the entire school year.

    This course consists of five LightUnit workbooks and one Teacher’s Guide. View the course scope and sequence.

  • Language Arts

    Sunrise 2nd Edition

    Language Arts 3 integrates grammar, spelling, and penmanship into one easy-to-use course. Use Christian Light’s Language Arts Diagnostic Test to place students new to the curriculum. After you introduce each lesson’s new concept, students can work independently on the lesson. New concepts are not tested until they have been reviewed at least three times.

    Students identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and sentence subjects. They diagram sentences and work with language mechanics such as punctuation, pronunciation, capitalization, and subject-verb agreement. Students learn to use contents pages, indexes, dictionaries, and encyclopedias. Each LightUnit includes a creative writing lesson. The three spelling lists in each LightUnit include fifteen words each.

    The course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks and a Teacher’s Guide. View the course scope and sequence.

  • Math

    Sunrise Edition

    Sunrise Math 3 teaches new skills and concepts in incremental, continuously reviewed steps. Concepts are tested only after being reviewed for five days or more. Use Christian Light’s Math Diagnostic Test to place students new to the curriculum.

    Students learn both the U.S. and metric systems of measurement. Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards and Multiplication & Division Flash Cards are required. Division is introduced in LightUnit 306, and students memorize the tables for 0-9. By the end of the course, students will have memorized multiplication tables 0 through 10. Practical story problems relate to a theme (which varies with each LightUnit) such as insects, cooking, and the ocean.

    The course consists of ten LightUnit workbooks, a Teacher’s Guide, Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards, and Multiplication & Division Flash Cards. View the course scope and sequence.

  • Science

    Science 3 explores various fundamentals of science. Because this is not a Sunrise Edition course, the material is presented in larger sections rather than daily lessons. Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz. Science supplies for this course are available from Home Science Tools.

    The course includes ten LightUnit workbooks and nine Answer Keys. Each LightUnit workbook can be completed in about three weeks.

    301 You Grow and Change

    302 Plants

    303 Animals: Growth and Change

    304 You Are What You Eat

    305 Properties of Matter

    306 Sounds and You

    307 Times and Seasons

    308 Rocks and Their Changes

    309 Heat Energy

    310 Physical Changes

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • Social Studies

    Sunrise Edition

    Social Studies 3 is based on the textbook Living Together on God’s Earth. After learning that their communities are only a small part of the broader world, students explore four communities of Bible times, one European community, one American community, and the country of Israel.

    There are two study options. Both options require the textbook.

    LightUnit Study Method

    The LightUnit study is recommended for homeschools and schools where teacher involvement is limited. The three workbooks provide exercises, daily review, quizzes, and tests. There are two LightUnits in each workbook for a total of six units. LightUnit 306 is optional for those preferring a five-LightUnit course. This study method includes three LightUnit workbooks, a textbook, and a Teacher’s Guide. Answer Keys are not required if you purchase the Teacher's Guide. View the course scope and sequence.

    Textbook Study Method
    The Textbook study uses the questions provided in the textbook and is better suited for classrooms where teachers provide instruction and review. This study method consists of a textbook, Chapter Tests, and a Teacher’s Guide.

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