Elementary Electives

  • Art With A Purpose

    This elementary art course consists of eight Artpacs, one for each grade. Each Artpac has 36 lessons and includes instructions and art sheets for the student.

    Artpac 1: Coloring skills, color-by-number, cutting, pasting
    Artpac 2: Coloring, cutting, pasting, simple perspective drawing
    Artpac 3: Coloring, shading with crayons, simple grid drawing, painting
    Artpac 4: Coloring, shading, grid drawing, perspective drawing
    Artpac 5: Shading, layout, spacing, lettering, watercolor, perspective, drawing
    Artpac 6: Colored pencil shading, layout, lettering, freehand/perspective drawing
    Artpac 7: Advanced shading, grid drawing, calligraphy, full-color painting
    Artpac 8: Illustrating with pen and ink

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • Studio Articulations

    Are you at a loss in knowing how to teach art? Are you ready to move beyond random craft projects? Studio Articulations art curriculum gives students a well-rounded, wide-ranging art education. Students learn art history, study the work of many different artists, and complete projects in a variety of mediums. Art examples are designed for Christian schools and homeschools and do not include inappropriate content.

    Each level provides material for two years of instruction and is presented in twenty-four unit plans that each cover three class periods. Includes supply lists, teacher scripts, grading rubrics, step-by-step illustrations, and inspiration posters. Pictures illustrate each step in a project. Each level includes a teacher’s book and poster packet. Visit www.studioarticulations.com for more information.

  • Bible Elective I

    Designed to be used in fourth or fifth grade, this course follows the growth of the early church. The first four LightUnits focus on the events described in the Book of Acts. The last LightUnit gives brief overviews of the epistles and ends with several lessons from the Book of Revelation.

    Each lesson contains a story and workbook activities. The Teacher's Guide gives objectives and suggestions for teaching each lesson and provides alternate LightUnit tests. Reproductions of the LightUnit pages, quizzes, and tests are included with answers.

    Each of the five LightUnits has sixteen lessons, providing two or three Bible lessons a week for a full school term. Each LightUnit includes two quizzes and a test.

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • But Not Forsaken Book Study

    But Not Forsaken is a gripping story of separation, faith, and adventure that allows us to experience life through the eyes of a World War II refugee family. This sixteen-lesson book study helps students dig deeper into the background and literary elements of the book. Recommended for Grades 7 & 8. 

  • Diagramming

    Is your child struggling with sentence diagramming? This book of reproducible sheets is designed to be used several ways: for students new to CLE Language Arts who have used a curriculum that does not emphasize sentence diagramming, for students who simply need extra practice, and for teachers who need a refresher course in diagramming. The exercises in the book are arranged by grade level according to the types of diagramming taught in each grade.

  • Music Curriculum

    Our music curriculum is designed to teach children using shaped notes commonly used in Anabaptist songbooks. The course consists of one book and answer key per grade and a teacher's manual.

    Each book reviews concepts learned in previous levels. Books 4-8 are also suitable for older students who have not had previous systematic music instruction.

    Students may begin Music Book One in Grade 1 or 2 and do one workbook per year. However, other than gradual advancement in reading level, the workbooks are not tied into any particular grade. Both round and shaped notes are taught.

    Material overlaps between books, but some specifics in each book follow:
    Book One: Lines, spaces, note names/shapes, the scale, heads, stems, flags
    Book Two: Time value of notes and rests, the staff
    Book Three: Measures/measure bars, the G clef, time signatures
    Book Four: Sharps and flats, pitch pipe, key signatures
    Book Five: Chromatic scale, the F clef, naturals, time patterns
    Book Six: The grand staff, round notes, compound time signatures, slurs, ties
    Book Seven: Diatonic scale, minor scale, intervals, terms/symbols
    Book Eight: Accidentals, directive signs, tempo, volume, style, chords

    The teacher's manual gives helpful suggestions for teaching Grades 1-8 and for developing a well-rounded music class. It also includes reproducible blackline drill master sheets to reinforce concepts taught in the music books. They may be used as timed drills or as self-paced worksheets.

    View the course scope and sequence.

  • Penmanship

    The first book in this twin set is part of the CLE Sunrise first grade Language Arts course, but both books may be used as a separate penmanship course with any curriculum.

    I Can Write Manuscript (1st grade) is a beautifully illustrated workbook containing practice in copying letters, numbers, words, short sentences, and simple poems on the theme of animal babies and their mothers. Correct formation and proper stroke sequence is emphasized.

    I Can Write Cursive (2nd or 3rd grade) provides extra practice and thorough reinforcement for students still learning cursive writing. Beautiful pencil drawings and fascinating facts about birds, bugs, and butterflies intrigue students as they practice the mechanics of penmanship.

    Developed for use in Amish schools, Pentime Penmanship is designed to teach children handwriting with minimum assistance. We are carrying this series as a supplement to CLE Language Arts for those students needing extra penmanship practice. Eight black and white workbooks help students master the skill of manuscript writing, transition into cursive, and continue to build cursive skills using smaller and smaller lines. Cursive is introduced in the third book. Books four through eight provide continuous practice by copying longer and longer paragraphs.

  • Speedy Spanish I

    Speedy Spanish I is designed to teach students how to begin to read and speak Spanish. Using workbook exercises, audio, and flash cards, it teaches five hundred Spanish vocabulary words in thirty lessons. Each lesson is intended to be completed over the course of one week or the five-day plan can be spread over two weeks. 

    Speedy Spanish I can be used as a self-study course, though it will be more effective with a teacher. The course consists of two workbooks, an audio USB drive, flash cards, and a Teacher’s Guide. (Grade 5 and up.) View the course scope and sequence.

  • Speedy Spanish II

    Speedy Spanish II reviews material from Speedy Spanish I and adds more than 500 new words. It teaches conjugation of verbs and writing and translating Spanish words. It contains thirty lessons. Each lesson is intended to be completed over the course of one week or the five-day plan can be spread over two weeks. 

    Speedy Spanish II can be used as a self-study course, though it will be more effective with a teacher. The course consists of two workbooks, an audio USB drive, flash cards, and a Teacher’s Guide. (Grade 6 and up.) View the course scope and sequence.

  • Vocabulary—Working With Words

    This series of vocabulary workbooks from Pathway Publishers is designed to enrich student’s understanding of words. They may be used with any elementary reading series. Each book contains 42 lessons. Each lesson features a list of 20 words to match with definitions, a section on using the words correctly in sentence blanks, and a mixed review section. Reminders in the workbook direct students when they are to take one of the seven review tests included in the back.

  • Special Interest Courses

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