Bible 501-505 LightUnit Set

Sunrise Edition
Sunrise Edition and Sunrise 2nd Edition courses feature daily lesson divisions. New concepts are taught through a system of incremental learning and continuous review in Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Sunrise Edition courses were developed by Christian Light. In older courses that are not Sunrise Edition, material is presented in sections rather than daily lessons. Content and presentation are less engaging. Most of the non-Sunrise Edition courses are revised Alpha Omega Publications courses.

Five LightUnit workbooks provide 80 lessons, including quizzes and tests. Lessons not only retell Bible stories from Creation through Moses, but also expand student’s knowledge of God and how He worked with His people. Map exercises help students understand where events took place.

Each LightUnit includes two quizzes and a test that should be removed from the LightUnit before the student begins working in it. The quizzes are perforated sheets in the back of the LightUnit, and the test is stapled in the center of the LightUnit.

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